哈利波特完整系列 (Harry Potter the Complete Collection) – J.K. Rowling

哈利波特完整系列 (Harry Potter the Complete Collection) – J.K. Rowling

The Harry Potter Hardcover Boxed Set includes J.K. Rowling’s seven beloved, bestselling Harry Potter books in their original hardcover editions, housed in a collectibl...

  • 作者J. K. Rowling
  • SN编码SN250210120934861
  • 发行日期7月 2016
  • 出版社Pottermore
  • 可提供格式pdf、epub、mobi、azw3、docx、txt、FB2、PDB等
  • 标签

The Harry Potter Hardcover Boxed Set includes J.K. Rowling’s seven beloved, bestselling Harry Potter books in their original hardcover editions, housed in a collectible slipcase.This handsome boxed set contains all seven of J.K. Rowling’s beloved, bestselling Harry Potter books in their original American hardcover editions featuring jacket artwork and chapter opening illustrations by Mary GrandPre, all housed in a sturdy slipcase. An essential collection for Harry Potter fans of all ages.

Harry Potter Hardcover Boxed Set: Books 1-7 (Slipcase)

哈利波特完整系列 (Harry Potter the Complete Collection) – J.K. Rowling
